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Charli & Anika talk about their work internships

The benefits of the internship model in Queenstown from the perspective of QRC’s students.

Charli’s Story | An Internship at I-Fly as a customer service representative.

I'm doing a nine-month internship at I-Fly where I'm in a customer service representative role.

One of the things I really enjoyed in my role here has been working alongside the sales and marketing manager. I've especially enjoyed working on their marketing campaigns including their latest promotional video.

What I love about my internship is that I love the people that I get to work with and that every day is different. Getting to fly and being coached by the instructors is one of the coolest parts of the job.

It's really cool to be a part of such a big organisation like I-Fly, especially because they're new to Queenstown and being a part of growing that business was awesome.

  • I'm ready for my future career
I feel like I've grown a lot during my internship and my confidence has definitely gone up as well. My name is Charli McCorkindale and I'm ready for my future career.

Charli McCorkindale

Adventure Tourism Student, Queenstown Resort College

Anika’s Story | An Internship at Hilton Resorts in Hospitality & Events

My nine-month internship started in the restaurant at the Hilton, working alongside the head chef and the operations manager. I also cross-trained in Front-Desk where I deal with customer service and conferences and events.

I've learnt a lot from the management team here, especially within conferences and events, where I've learnt how to prepare, manage and set up my own events.I absolutely love the people that I work with, it makes it a really comfortable environment and experience.

Cross-training here [The Hilton Hotel, Queenstown] in Conferences and Events has really proved to me that I really want to pursue a career in the events industry.

I’m excited for the future

The context and experience that I've gained has set me up really well for my future career in event management. My name is Anika Harrison and I'm really excited to see what comes next.

Anika Harrison

Hospitality Student, Queenstown Resort College

Discover what it's like to gain real industry experience while studying. Internships are vital for creating opportunities within the industry while providing students with a unique learning and mentoring experience. Find out more about the Internship Programmes available in Queenstown & Wānaka here.

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Validating your chosen course through experience.

“There’s many support groups out there, I found people from home. Say yes, there are many opportunities”

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Charli & Anika talk about their work internships

The benefits of the internship model in Queenstown from the perspective of QRC’s students, Charli & Anika.


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